Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
Position Your Feet To Hit the Ball Further.
It's always the little things... The way you position your feet through your swing can have a direct impact on how far you hit the ball. Many amateur golfers can get more distance just by making a simple adjustment in the positioning of their feet, which promotes proper hip turn through the downswing.
Increase Distance No Matter What Your Age.
While it's common for distance to decrease as we age, the good news is that you can GET THAT DISTANCE BACK. Here's how.
Increase Flexibility With Golf Specific Stretching.
There are few better ways to optimize your swing power than by improving your flexibility through stretching.
How to Start the Downswing.
In this month's video golf tip, Mel dispels some myths and provides helpful tips about how to start the downswing. Improve this aspect of your game and you'll stop coming over the top and be rewarded with better distance and accuracy.
Want more distance - Meet the Pump Drill.
Patrick Hoffman is our guest instructor this month. In this golf tip video, he shows us the Pump Drill. This drill helps promote club head speed, and with practice will help you squeeze more distance from your swing.