Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
Instructional DVDs vs Real Golf Instruction.
Golf Instructional DVDs and videos have their place, but they aren't a substitute for the personalized experience of in-person golf instruction. Find out why.
Know the Rules to Save Strokes.
How does knowing the Rules help you shoot lower scores? As Mel describes in telling a story about Harry Bradshaw's big mistake in the '49 British Open, not knowing the Rules leads to bad decisions on the course---decisions that will cost you shots!
Slice No More With This Drill.
One issue that a lot of high handicappers share is slicing. In this month's video golf tip, Mel Sole shares a highly effective drill using a golf bag that will help you make slicing a thing of the past.
Position Your Feet To Hit the Ball Further.
It's always the little things... The way you position your feet through your swing can have a direct impact on how far you hit the ball. Many amateur golfers can get more distance just by making a simple adjustment in the positioning of their feet, which promotes proper hip turn through the downswing.