Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
Improve Your Putting With a DIY Training Aid.
Master Professional Golf Instructor Mel Sole shares the design of a simple yet effective DIY golf training aid that improves your putting by helping you hit more putts on line. Watch now!
Mastering Short Game Finesse.
In this month's video golf tip, Mel talks about using finesse in your short game as a path to better consistency and accuracy. It's all about economy of movement, strategy and of course, quantifying your practice. Check it out!
Why Use a Golf Ball Flight Monitor?
Golf ball flight monitors help golfers understand their capabilities with golf clubs, from Driver through SW. The Radar uses an integrated Doppler-radar transceiver, and displays your shot data instantly, helping you understand the impact of your swing. Radar outputs ball velocity, carry or total distance, session average ball velocity and average distance. Watch this month's video golf tip to learn more about the benefits of using a golf ball flight monitor.
Start Quantifying Your Practice!
If you don't quantify or measure your golf practice, how do you know that your skills are improving? Watch this month’s video golf tip and you'll quickly discover that measuring your improvement will make practice much more fun and productive!
Advanced Shot For Tricky Downhill Lies.
Mel demonstrates how the "Tomahawk" shot can help you save strokes on tricky downhill lies.
How to overcome Perception vs Reality while Practicing!
In this month’s video golf tip, Mel discusses the specifics of effective golf practice. You can’t expect to improve your golf game if you don’t put some time in, and practice can be fun!
Increase Distance No Matter What Your Age.
While it's common for distance to decrease as we age, the good news is that you can GET THAT DISTANCE BACK. Here's how.
Low and Slow - says Jack Nicklaus!
In this month's video golf tip, Mel Sole introduces The Perfect Takeaway, a new and highly effective training aid that will help you get consistently great swings.
Easy Ways to Improve Your Bunker Shots.
If you do just one thing this week to get ready for the coming golf season, watch this bunker golf tips video!
Tee Box Strategy - Take The Advantage!
Learn the easy-to-remember tee box strategy that will help you put the ball in play consistently, and give you the advantage.
Hitting Out of Thick Rough.
It could be worse, you could have hit the ball into woods or into the water, but you still have a difficult shot to make: hitting out of the rough.