Mel Sole Monthly Golf Tips
Proper Hip Sequencing Equals More Power.
Proper hip movement plays a key role in a great golf swing, helping you maximize power and club head speed. There's a subtlety to correct hip rotation: not just a simple turn of the hips, it's actually a sequence of weight shift and hip rotation.
How To Control Trajectory.
One of the keys to becoming a better golfer is learning to control the trajectory of the golf ball with your swing. In this month's video golf tip, Mel Sole shares the secrets of trajectory control, from ball position to follow through.
Influencing Your Subconscious Mind.
To change your swing, you need to consciously undo the subconscious memory of your swing and store a new memory into your subconscious via repetition. Understanding how the conscious and subconscious mind interact with one another and learning to influence your subsconcious will help you improve your mechanics and make you a better player mentally.
The Painful Punisher Pitching Drill.
Don't punish yourself with low scores! Use the Punisher Drill to master chip and pitch shots.
2 Ways to Improve Your Putting Aim.
In this month's video golf tip, Mel Sole shares two critical tips for improving your putting aim: 1) Get behind the ball and 2) Look beyond. To find out more about how these tips will help, watch now!
How To Hit a Punch Shot.
Mel Sole demonstrates the Punch Shot and explains the club selection, setup, address and swing aspects of this handy shot. Practice the Punch Shot and make it part of your arsenal of stroke savers to take your game to the next level!
High Soft Shot with a Lob Wedge.
It happens to the best of us. You short-sided yourself in a greenside bunker and you don't have much green to work with. This can be a tricky shot but the risk is mitigated by proper club selection: just reach for your lob wedge.
Faults and Fixes Tip #200.
Do you know the sure-fire way to cure your swing problems? The key is in understanding cause and effect. Mel Sole explains in this month's video golf tip.
3 Tips For Playing Out of Firm Sand.
Compared to the soft & fluffy bunkers you'll find at upscale resorts and country clubs, hard bunkers necessitate a different approach. In this video golf tip, Mel Sole explains the 3 pillars of hard bunker play: club selection, low bounce, and an aggressive swing.
A Novel Way To Use a Belly Putter.
If you've scoffed at belly putters in the past, you'll want to watch this video, particularly if you have trouble with wrist breakdown---the backward bending of your left wrist before impact.