
Get More Power From Your Swing

In this month’s Mel in Motion video golf tip, Mel lets us in on the secrets to getting more power from your golf swing and also identifies the five keys to a good swing. This video is loaded with great advice!

Every golfer I know (including myself) wants more distance off the tee and with their irons. But, unfortunately, buying a new driver or using the latest fad training aid will not add distance to your shots unless it adds clubhead speed!


Distance is generated by clubhead speed. Nothing else! To find out your clubhead speed, you need to hit some ball with a device that can measure this. If you do not have a mini launch monitor yourself, find someone who does so you know your starting point before working on this. You want measurable results!

The Method

Swing something light! I have a club called an Orange Whip that I use for losing up before my round. Some people use this thinking it is going to help them add distance. No. It is too heavy and as I said you need something light.

So flip your club around and grip it just below the head. Now swing the club with as much speed as you can generate. Pay attention to where you hear the whoosh of the shaft. You want to hear the whoosh after where the ball would be. If you hear it before it reaches the ball position, you are swinging too much with the arms. Instead, use your body rotation to create the speed. Hearing the shoosh after the impact point will tell you that you are doing it correctly!

This is a drill that you can do at home. Try it. You won’t be disappointed.


Finding Your Power Source